
AP Platinum Honor Roll

“VCHS is grateful to our expert faculty who embrace and deliver the academic rigor of AP courses. As Saints, evidence of student growth, effective stewardship of school resources, gratitude for learning opportunities, and student self-advocacy for higher learning opportunities are tied to these results. Our graduates seek to know themselves as scholars and the AP Honor Roll, Platinum status reflects their hard work.” Anne Verrati, Assistant Head of School

Distinctively College Prep
All students participate in the AP program and by graduation, the average student will have taken 6 AP classes from our 14 AP classes currently offered. Many are awarded the prestigious AP Scholar designation. Dual Enrollment courses are offered through Colorado Christian University and University of Colorado – Colorado Springs.
VCHS is an approved school for the Colorado Department of Education's Spanish Seal of Biliteracy. Contact Ms. Venz at lvenz@vchsweb.org to learn more about the program and to begin the process.
College Readiness &
Academic Profile
College counseling begins on day one. With a full-time, college counselor and customized plan for each student, our students are positioned for acceptances to their top choice schools, and earn merit scholarships that significantly reduce costs.
Average ACT score from the Class of 2024 was 27, (national average is 19.9) positioning students for acceptances from some of the most selective U.S. colleges and universities.

School Culture & Community
We’re grateful for our community. It's like a small family and one of the reasons you'll discover why VCHS is such a special place. We seek to foster a school culture in which love is primary and respect and understanding for others’ backgrounds and experiences is non-negotiable.

Faith & Spirituality
Spiritual formation is an important component of a VCHS education. Understanding that every student is uniquely designed, we desire that students explore their individual faith and spirituality. We keep Jesus at the center of everything we do and teach. Our community gathers together each week for a chapel service and theology courses are also part of a student’s experience. Our desire is to help each student develop his or her whole self.

United around a passion for providing students with inspiring, engaging, and empowering learning opportunities in STEM
education and careers, VCHS is proud to be a Project Lead The Way (PLTW) school. PLTW courses in Engineering, Biomedical and Computer Science complement their AP counterparts with more experiential, hands-on and transformative learning experiences.

Visual Arts
The Visual Arts department offers introductory and AP Studio Art courses in our large and well-equipped art studio. Focusing on the Elements of Art & Principles of Design, students gain the foundation to be creative and explore their own ideas.
Art of Business
A new course exploring visual communications for business, in an agency setting. Students are interns on the VCHS Marketing and Visual Communications Team.

Performing Arts
A signature feature of school life at VCHS is found in the Performing Arts. Recently the theater program produced Big Fish. Our theater director also serves as our choral director with a long history of students entering the state vocal competition.
Art & Literary Magazine
Articulation Magazine is our annual publication of creative artwork and writing of students and faculty.
View our recent digital flip books or pick up a copy at the front desk.
Articulation Vol. 8
Art Around the World
Echoes of the Past, Visions of the Future

Chapel Band
Chapel Band takes to the stage each week to perform for students and faculty at weekly Chapel.
Media Production
The Media Production program teaches visual story telling and the technical skills to produce various media for many practical applications.

With a proud tradition of athletic success and “Saints” as our mascot, Vail Christian High School participates in CHSAA – the Colorado High School Athletic Association.

Wheeler Arts & Athletic Center
Inside the Thomas Morgan Wheeler Arts & Athletics Center sits the valley’s best gym for volleyball and basketball where Saints pride comes to life!

Athletics Offered
Football – Boys
Golf – Boys
Volleyball – Girls
Tennis – Boys
Basketball – Boys and Girls
Soccer – Girls
Volleyball – Boys
Tennis – Girls
For sports not offered at VCHS, our athletes may participate with athletic programs offered at other local high schools.

VCHS Sports Medicine Department & Licensed Athletic Training
The prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports related injuries is important for VCHS student athletes. Our Sports Medicine Department provides a free-for-service provision in-house with additional access to preferred providers through Vail Health, The Steadman Clinic, and Howard Head Physical Therapy to tend to our student-athlete’s injuries.
VCHS proudly offers the elective course: Introduction to Sports Medicine.
Club Opportunities
Articulation Magazine
Board Game Club
Cooking Club
Friday Afternoon Grill
Gutsy Girls Group
Hispanic Leadership & Culture
HOSA – Future Health Professionals
Hype Squad

Senior Girls Lunch Bunch Group
National Honor Society
River Watch
Science Olympiad
Student Ambassadors
Vinyl Record
Women in Engineering